Guided by Governor Reynolds’s vision to build an aligned and integrated workforce system, State level goals and corresponding strategies for the state workforce system are provided to our board to ensure we are on the right track when developing our local workforce plan. 

Iowa’s Vision: 

An aligned, flexible, and streamlined workforce delivery system that meets the needs of employers and all Iowans for a skilled and diverse workforce. 
- Iowa WIOA Local Planning Guidance (Oct 2023)

State of Iowa
Workforce Priorities

Goals and Strategies: 

Goal I: Increase the engagement and awareness of Iowa’s current, potential, and future workforce to the continuum of high-quality education, training, and career opportunities in Iowa. 

  • State Strategy 1.1: Align and implement an accessible, integrated service delivery model incorporating all workforce system partners. 

  • State Strategy 1.2: Ensure all Iowa students have opportunities for meaningful work-based learning experiences. 

  • State Strategy 1.3: Target services to underserved populations, including individuals with disabilities, minorities, returning citizens, women, rural Iowans, new citizens, veterans, etc. 

Goal II: Increase employer engagement and awareness of the IowaWORKS system as the premier provider of business services for a skilled and diverse workforce. 

  • State Strategy 2.1: Support local workforce boards in the development and enhancement of sector partnerships. 

  • State Strategy 2.2: Create and implement a unified and collaborative business engagement model. 

  • State Strategy 2.3: Increase the awareness and engagement by employers in work-based learning opportunities. 

- Iowa WIOA Local Planning Guidance (Oct 2023)

East Central Iowa
Workforce Priorities

P1. Strengthen relationships with community organizations to raise awareness of our mission.

P2. Create more targeted and integrated outreach materials, mediums and practices.

P3. Align ECIWDB efforts with local initiatives that address workforce needs.

P4. Increase youth/young adult exposure to quality work-based learning opportunities.

P5. Simplify service processes for customers and find ways to create a more welcoming and accessible environment.

P6. Ensure long-term sustainability of the ECIWDB.