Who are our Core Partners?

Core partners represent the different area of jobseeker or business focus as established by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) for workforce services administered in “One-Stop” or IowaWORKS Centers.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. WIOA establishes performance accountability indicators and performance reporting requirements to assess the effectiveness of States and local areas in achieving positive outcomes for individuals served by the workforce development system’s core programs.

Title I Program Leadership

Under WIOA, Title I Workforce Development Activities (Title I) cover those services to support adult, dislocated workers, and youth with barriers to employment, low income or those laid off due to downsizing for example.

Carla Andorf
Dean, Workforce Services

Carla Andorf is one of our IowaWORKS stars. She ensures adults, dislocated workers and youth with barriers have access to the programs and services they need. She has led workforce programming at Kirkwood Community College and IowaWorks since 2008. She has led federal and state programs aimed at supporting vulnerable populations find successful career paths. She also serves as a member of the one stop operator consortium for East Central Iowa area.

Jessica Merino
Title I Director

Jessica manages the day-to-day operations of our Title I staff with Carla. As a first-generation college graduate who was also a nontraditional student, she enjoys assisting other students overcome barriers to meet their educational and career goals. She has often wondered how different her own experiences would have been had she been able to participate in these programs. She gets excited about the opportunities that await each of our participants. She knows the work being done makes a difference in the lives of those living within our communities. She says, “It's pretty amazing to be part of something so extraordinary”.

Title II Program Leadership

Under WIOA, Title II Adult Education and Literacy covers adult jobseekers with education and literacy needs.

Stephanie Hasakis Flaucher
Associate Director, Secondary Programs

Management and communications professional and adult education specialist with over ten years of experience in project management, community development, and entrepreneurship. I am passionate about supporting equitable access to quality resources and education and I have devoted my career to helping others gain the necessary tools, skills, and abilities to reach their intellectual and academic potential.

Title III Program Leadership

Under WIOA, Title III amends the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, which authorizes the Employment Service (ES). This program covers a wide variety of workforce services.

Matthew Auliff
Title III Operations Manager

Matt has been with IowaWORKS for just under five years. He started with the PROMISE JOBS program before working as a Career Planner, Registered Apprenticeship Career Planner, RESEA Career Planner, RESEA Operations manager, and is now Operations Managers of Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS. He loves being able to have daily communication with both job seekers and businesses and assisting them to reach their goals.

Kevin Swartzendruber
Title III Operations Manager

Kevin is the Operations Manager for Iowa City and Cedar Rapids IowaWORKS centers. Kevin has been with IowaWORKS since late October 2022, but has been with the State of Iowa since 1999 as a Social Worker, Correctional Officer, & Child support Recovery Officer and Supervisor. He enjoys working directly with customers as well as providing center staff opportunities to assist customers and businesses achieve self-determination.

Title IV Program Leadership

Under WIOA, Title IV amends the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which authorizes vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities. Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services covers those jobseekers with disabilities.

Monica Brockway
Rehabilitation Supervisor

Monica Brockway is an Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisor in the Iowa City office. She comes to us as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor with a Master of Social Work. She is a proud member of ECI’s One Stop Operator Consortium team with many years of experience in Vocational Rehabilitation. She serves as the co-chair of the ECIWDB Disability Access Committee.

Holly Mateer
Rehabilitation Supervisor

Holly Mateer has worked with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation to serve individuals with disabilities in the East Central Iowa workforce area for over 20 years. Coupled with a Master of Rehabilitation Counseling she is one of our most seasoned and skilled IowaWORKS partners. She enjoys spending time with her children and working out when she is not supporting her staff to supply workforce solutions that support optimal outcomes for job candidates with disabilities and the business partners of East Central Iowa.